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Please read the following
Accommodation Clauses carefully when staying at any of the hotels in the Resol Hotels chain.

  • *The Accommodation Clause does not apply to HOTEL TRINITY SHOSAI .
    HOTEL TRINITY SHOSAI’s Accommodation Clause is as follows. Please check here.

[The Scope of Application]


All Accommodation Contract and related contracts to be concluded between the Hotel and the Guest to be accommodated shall be subject to the provisions of Accommodation Clause. Any matters not provided for in Accommodation Clause shall be governed by laws and regulations and/or generally accepted practices.
In cases in which the Hotel has agreed to a special contract within the scope that does not violate laws, regulations and generally accepted practices, notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the special contract shall take precedence over the provisions of the preceding paragraph.

[Application for Accommodation Contract]


When applying for an Accommodation Contract with the Hotel, it is required to provide the Hotel with the following particulars:
  • (1) Guest name
  • (2) Date of stay and expected arrival time
  • (3) Accommodation charge (in principle based on the basic accommodation charge in Appendix 1)
  • (4) Other particulars deemed necessary by the Hotel
If the Guest requests, during their stay, to extend their stay beyond the date designated in the preceding Paragraph (2), the Hotel shall regard as having made an application for a new Accommodation Contract at the time such request is made.

[Conclusion of Accommodation Contract, etc.]


An Accommodation Contract will be deemed to have been concluded when the Hotel accepts the application as stipulated in the preceding Article.
However, this does not apply if it is proven that the Hotel did not give its consent.
If the Accommodation Contract has been concluded in accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the Guest shall pay the basic accommodation charge for the entire period of stay (if it exceeds three days, then regarded as three days), in principle, as well as an application charge as determined by the Hotel, by the date designated by the Hotel.
The application charge shall first be applied to the accommodation charge ultimately payable by the Guest. In the event that the provisions of Article 6 and Article 19 apply, the application charge shall be applied in the order of penalty charge and then compensation. Any remaining balance shall be refunded at the time of payment of charges under the provisions of Article 13.
If the application charge pursuant to Paragraph 2 is not paid by the date designated by the Hotel, the Accommodation Contract will become void.
However, this will only apply if the Hotel has so informed the Guest when designating the due date for payment of the application charge.

[Special Contracts Not Requiring the Payment of Applying Charge]


Notwithstanding the provisions of Paragraph 2 of the preceding Article, the Hotel may enter into a special contract requiring no application charge after the Contract has been concluded.
If the Hotel has not requested the payment of the application charge pursuant to Paragraph 2 of the preceding Article and/or has not designated a due date for the payment of the application charge when accepting an application for a Multiple Stay Contract, this shall be treated as if the Hotel had accepted the special contract pursuant to the preceding Paragraph.

[Refusal of Accommodation Contract]


The Hotel reserves the right to terminate the Accommodation Contract under any of the following circumstances:
  • (1) If the application for accommodation does not comply with the Accommodation Clause
  • (2) If there are no rooms available due to full occupancy
  • (3) If the Guest is deemed likely to engage in acts that violate laws, public order, or good morals in relation to their stay.
  • (4) If it is clearly recognized that the Guest is an infectious disease carrier
  • (5) If unreasonable demands beyond a reasonable scope are made in relation to the accommodation
  • (6) If the Hotel is unable to provide accommodation due to natural disasters, facility malfunctions, or other unavoidable reasons
  • (7) If it is deemed that the Guest is in a state of intoxication or is likely to cause inconvenience to others
  • (8) If the Guest is a member of an organized crime group, a company or organization related to such a group, an associate of such a group, or any other anti-social force (hereinafter referred to as "organized crime group, etc.").
  • (9) If the Guest is a corporation or other organization whose business activities are controlled by anti-social forces such as organized crime groups
  • (10) If the Guest is a corporation with an executive member that is a member of an anti-social group or other organized crime group
  • (11) If the Guest behaves in a manner that significantly disturbs others
  • (12) If the Guest makes violent demands against the Hotel or its employees
  • (13) If it corresponds to a case specifically stipulated by prefectural ordinance, etc.

[Guest's Right to Terminate Accommodation Contract]


The Guest reserves the right to terminate the Accommodation Contract by notifying the Hotel.
If the Guest has terminated the Accommodation Contract in whole or in part due to causes for which he/she is liable (except when the Hotel has designated a due date for the payment of the application charge as stipulated in Article 3 Paragraph 2 and requested such payment and the Guest has cancelled the Accommodation Contract prior to such payment), he/she shall pay a penalty as listed in Appendix 2.
However, if the Hotel agrees to the special contract of Paragraph 1 of Article 4, the Guest's obligation to pay a penalty for canceling the Accommodation Contract will only apply if the hotel has informed the Guest of this obligation at the time of agreeing to the special contracts.
If the Guest does not contact the Hotel and fails to arrive by 8:00 PM on the day of their stay (or two hours after the scheduled arrival time if it has been designated in advance), the Hotel may consider the Accommodation Contract to be canceled by the Guest and handle it accordingly.

[Hotel's Right to Terminate Contract]


The Hotel may terminate the Accommodation Contract under any of the following circumstances:
  • (1) If the Guest is deemed likely to engage in acts that violate laws, public order, or good morals in relation to their stay.
  • (2) If it is clearly recognized that the Guest is an infectious disease carrier
  • (3) If unreasonable demands beyond a reasonable scope are made in relation to the accommodation
  • (4) If it is impossible to provide accommodation due to a natural disaster or other force majeure
  • (5)If the Guest smokes in bed, tampers with fire-fighting equipment, or fails to comply with other prohibitions set forth in the hotel's rules of use (limited to those necessary for fire prevention)
  • (6) If the Guest falls under any of the following circumstances, the Accommodation Contract shall be terminated:
    (If such facts are discovered after the reservation or during the stay, the guest will be refused service at that point.)
    • A) If the Guest is a member of an anti-social group such as an organized crime group
    • (B) If the Guest is a corporation or other organization whose business activities are controlled by anti-social forces such as organized crime groups
    • C) If a corporation has an executive officer who is a member of an anti-social group such as an organized crime group
    • (D) If the Guest behaves in a manner that significantly disturbs other guests
    • (E) If the Guest makes violent demands against the Hotel or its employees
  • (7) If any acts of violence, threats, extortion, coercive unreasonable demands, or similar behaviors by the Guest are recognized, the Hotel will immediately refuse service. Additionally, the Guest who has previously engaged in such behavior will also be refused service.
  • (8)The Hotel will immediately refuse service if it is recognized that the Guest is mentally or physically impaired, under the influence of drugs, or otherwise unable to ensure their own safety, or if they pose a risk of causing danger, fear, or anxiety to others.
  • (9)The Hotel will immediately refuse service if the Guest engages in loud talking, singing, disruptive behavior, or any other actions that cause discomfort or inconvenience to others, or if they engage in gambling or activities that violate public order and morals.
  • (10)The Hotel will refuse service if there are any other actions similar to the aforementioned.
If the Hotel cancels the Accommodation Contract based on the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the Guest will not be charged for accommodation services that have not yet been provided.

〔Refusal and Cancellation of Banquet Use Contracts〕


The Hotel will not agree to enter into a Banquet Use Contract in the following cases:
Furthermore, if a Banquet Use Contract has been concluded, it will be canceled.
  • (1) If any of the following applies to the Guest attending the banquet hall:
    • A) A corporation or organization controlled by an organized crime group or other anti-social forces
    • B) If a corporation has an executive officer who is a member of an anti-social group such as an organized crime group
  • (2) If the Guest behaves in a manner that significantly inconveniences others of the Hotel
  • (3) If the Guest commits violent acts against the Hotel or its employees, or makes unreasonable demands beyond a reasonable scope

[Guest Registration]


The Guest will be required to register the following particulars at the Hotel front desk on the day of their stay:
  • (1) Name, age, sex, address and occupation of the Guest
  • (2) For non-Japanese, nationality, passport number, place and date of entry
  • (3) Checkout date and scheduled checkout time
  • (4) Other particulars deemed necessary by the Hotel
If the Guest intends to pay the charges under Article 13 using traveler's checks, accommodation coupons, credit cards, or other methods that can substitute for currency, they must present them at the time of registration as specified in the preceding paragraph.

[Hotel Room Usage Hours]


Please check with each Hotel to confirm the times that Guests can stay in their rooms.
However, in the case of consecutive stays, the room may be available for use throughout the day, except on the arrival and departure dates.
[Applicable for stays up to check-in on Sunday, March 31, 2024]
Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the Hotel may permit the Guest to occupy the hotel rooms outside the hours specified in the same paragraph.
  • (1) An additional 1,000 yen (tax included) will be charged for each additional hour from check-out.
  • (2) After 5pm, full room rate will be charged

[Applicable to stays checking in on or after Monday, April 1, 2024]
Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the Hotel may permit the Guest to occupy the hotel rooms outside the hours specified in the same paragraph.
  • (1) An additional 1,000 yen (tax included) will be charged per room for each hour from check-out time.
  • (2) After 3pm, full room rate will be charged

[Observance of Hotel Usage Regulations]


Guests are required to observe the Hotel Usage Regulations established by the Hotel and posted within the premises of the Hotel.

[Opening Hours]


The opening hours of hotel facilities will be announced on the website, in brochures, on notices posted in various locations, and in the service guides in the hotel rooms.
Opening hours may be subject to temporary change when necessary.
In such instances, the Hotel will provide notification through appropriate means.

[Payment of Charges]


The breakdown and calculation method of the Accommodation Charges, etc. to be paid by the Guest shall be as set forth in Appendix 1.
Payment of the accommodation charges mentioned in the preceding paragraph shall be made in currency or by traveler's checks, accommodation coupons, credit cards, or other methods accepted by the Hotel, at the front desk upon the Guest's arrival or when requested by the Hotel.
Once the Hotel has made the room available for use, the Guest will be charged the accommodation fee even if they choose not to stay.

[Responsibility of the Hotel]


The Hotel shall compensate for any damages caused to the Guest due to the performance or non-performance of the Accommodation Contract and related contracts.
However, this does not apply if the cause of the damage is not attributable to the Hotel.
The Hotel has received a fire safety inspection certificate from the fire department and is covered by inn’s liability insurance to address any potential fire incidents.

[Handling of Situations When the Contracted Room Cannot Be Provided]


If the Hotel is unable to provide the contracted room to the Guest, the Hotel will, with the Guest's consent, arrange for alternative accommodation under the same conditions to the best of its ability.
Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding paragraph, if the Hotel is unable to arrange alternative accommodation, the Hotel will pay the Guest a compensation fee equivalent to the penalty charge, which will be applied to the damages.
However, if the inability to provide the room is not attributable to the Hotel, no compensation fee will be paid.

[Handling of Deposited Items, etc.]


If any items, cash, or valuables deposited by the Guest at the front desk are lost or damaged, the Hotel will compensate for the damages, except in cases of force majeure.
However, for cash and valuables, if the Hotel requests a declaration of their type and value and the Guest fails to declare them, the Hotel will compensate for the damages up to a maximum of 150,000 yen.
If any items or valuables brought into the hotel by the Guest and not deposited at the front desk are lost or damaged due to the Hotel's intentional or negligent actions, the Hotel will compensate for the damages.
However, for items for which the Guest has not declared the type and value in advance, the Hotel will compensate for the damages up to a maximum of 150,000 yen.

[Deposit of Guest's Baggage and Belongings]


If the Guest's luggage arrives at the Hotel prior to their stay, the Hotel will only be responsible for its deposit if the Hotel has agreed to it at the time of arrival, and will hand it over to the Guest when they check in at the front desk.
If the Guest's luggage or personal belongings are left behind at the Hotel after checkout and the owner is identified, the Hotel will contact the owner and seek their instructions.
However, if no instructions are received from the owner or if the owner cannot be identified, the items will be handled in accordance with the Lost Property Act.
In the case of the preceding two paragraphs, the Hotel's responsibility for the deposit of the Guest's luggage or personal belongings shall be in accordance with the provisions of Paragraph 1 of the preceding article.

[Responsibility of Parking]


If the Guest uses the Hotel's parking lot, the Hotel is only providing a space and does not assume responsibility for the management of the vehicle, regardless of their depositing of keys.
However, in managing the parking lot, if the Hotel causes damage due to intentional acts or negligence, the Hotel will be liable for compensation.

[Responsibilities of Guests]


If the Hotel incurs damage due to the intentional or negligent actions of the Guest, the Guest shall compensate the Hotel for such damages.

Appendix 1: Calculation method for accommodation charge, etc. (Article 2, Paragraph 1, Article 3, Paragraph 3)

Category 内容
Total amount
by the Guest
Accommodation Charge 1. Basic accommodation charge (room charge)
2. Service charge (included in basic accommodation charge)
Additional Charges 3. Food, beverage and other charges
4. Service charge (included in the usage charge)
Tax Amount 5. Consumption tax
  • (Note) 1. The accommodation tax is based on the regulations of each prefecture.

Appendix 2: Penalty Charges (Article 6, Paragraph 2)

The Date of Receipt of Notice of Contract Termination No stay On the day The day before 3日前 7日前 30日前
Number of Contract Applicants 1 to 5 people 100% 100% 50% - - -
6 to 9 people 100% 100% 50% 30% - -
10 or more people 100% 100% 100% 100% 50% 20%
  • (Note) 1. The percentage is the ratio of the penalty charge to the basic accommodation charge.
  • (Note) 2. If the days of the stay is shortened, a penalty charge equivalent to one day's will be charged, regardless of the number of days shortened.
  • (Note) 3.If there is a partial cancellation of a group reservation (10 or more people), no penalty will be charged for up to 10% of the number of Guests reserved 10 days prior to the stay (or the date of acceptance if the reservation was made after that date), with any fractions rounded up.
  • (Note) 4.If individual cancellation charges are set for each accommodation plan, the cancellation charge regulations for each plan will take precedence.

[Revision of the Clause]


The Hotel may change the contents of the Clause.