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Please read all terms and conditions before applying.

[Name and Management]


This membership organization is called "Risol Card H", member information belongs to Risol Life Support Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "the Company"), and the Company will operate this membership organization.
However, we outsource the application process, point allocation, gift certificate issuance, reception, and other tasks related to handling of member information to group companies such as RESOL HOTEL Co., Ltd. or Risor Group hotels.



"Member" in these Terms and Conditions refers to an individual who has agreed to these Terms and Conditions, completed the prescribed membership procedures, and been approved by the Company and issued a "Resol Card H" (hereinafter referred to as the "Membership Card").

[Membership fee and annual fee]


There are no registration fees or annual fees for membership.

[Membership procedure]


If you would like to register as a member, please enter the necessary information on the online membership registration screen, or correctly fill out the membership application form and submit it to the front desk of any hotel that accepts the Risor Group's "Risor Card H."
Please present the identification specified by the company when issuing your membership card. The company will issue your membership card after verifying it.
If you wish to register as a member, we may not accept your application for membership if any of the following items apply to you.
  • (1) If the applicant is already a "Resol Card H" member.
  • (2) If there is any falsehood, error, or omission in the membership application.
  • (3) If the person is or was in the past a member or associate member of an organized crime group or a similar organization.
  • (4) If, prior to applying for membership, any of the Risor Group's membership qualifications have been suspended or revoked.
  • (5) Any other case in which the company deems it inappropriate to have the individual as a member.

[Benefits and membership cards granted to members]


The Company will grant the following benefits to its Members:
  • (1) Granting of Points as stipulated in Article 6
  • (2) In addition to facilities operated by the Company, the Company may provide preferential use of all or part of facilities operated by Risol Group companies and facilities affiliated with the Company (hereinafter referred to as "Preferential Use Facilities, etc.", excluding facilities eligible for point allocation as stipulated in Article 6, Paragraph 1).
Membership cards can only be used by the person whose name is printed on them, and cannot be transferred or lent to others for any reason. In addition, even if a member has multiple membership registrations, the member cannot combine the points awarded under each membership registration.
If it is discovered that a Membership Card has been lost or stolen and been misused by a third party, the Company shall not be held liable in any way, and in the event of a loss or theft of a Membership Card, the Company will not reissue the Membership Card or the points stipulated in Article 6.



Points Earned
  • (1) By using the "Resol Card H" at participating hotels and golf courses and other facilities designated by the company (collectively referred to as "Points Awarding Facilities"), you can earn points (hereinafter referred to as "The Points") as follows:
    • When staying at a hotel that is eligible for the "Resol Card H"
      • ア.直接各ホテルへ予約された場合、ホテルリソル公式ホームページ(、またはリソルライフサポートサービスホームページ(から予約された場合に限り、宿泊代金の100円につき1ポイント(会員本人の宿泊代金分に限る/100円未満を切り捨て)を各ホテルのフロントでチェックイン時に加算させていただきます。
        • * For reservations made via the Risol the Life Support Service website, 1 point will be added for every 100 yen to the accommodation fee at the time of reservation (if the accommodation fee is discounted by applying subsidies or other points other than these points, the accommodation fee before such discount is applied).
        • * The "accommodation fee" referred to here refers to the price for a room only or one night with breakfast. If you choose a plan other than this (e.g. one night with dinner and breakfast included), you will be awarded the points up to the price for one night with breakfast.
      • BIf  you make a reservation through a travel agency, including Net Agent, the points accrual stipulated in A above will not apply and you will be awarded a flat rate of 30 points per night regardless of the amount spent.
      • C. The following items are not eligible for points.
        • Payment at locations other than the front desk
        • The amount of points used at facilities eligible for the points award
        • Products such as tobacco, vouchers (gift certificates, discount coupons, gift cards, tickets, prepaid cards, stamps, revenue stamps, etc.), box fees, etc.
        • Purchases from drink vending machines, parking fees, etc.
        • Services such as shipping charges, membership fees, annual fees, membership registration fees, and accounts receivable deposits.
        •  Other facilities, products, services, etc. designated by the company as not eligible for the points.
    • When using the hotel conference room with "Resol Card H"
    • When using other facilities such as Risol Group golf courses designated by the company
      The rate and conditions for points awarded for use at other Risor Group facilities designated by the company, such as golf courses, will vary depending on the golf course or other facility.
      Please check the points you will be awarded when you check in at each golf course, etc.
      In order to receive points, you must present your membership card at check-in.
Use of points or exchange of points
  • (1) "Resol Card H" points can be used to pay for 500 yen or exchanged for a 500 yen gift certificate for every 500 points accumulated at participating hotels and facilities designated by the company. The gift certificate can only be used within the expiration date printed on the certificate.
  • (2) The points used or exchanged will be deducted from the accumulated points printed on your membership card.
  • (3) Points cannot be exchanged for cash.
  • (4) When using or exchanging the Points, you will be required to present your membership card. If you do not present your membership card, you will not be able to use or exchange the Points for administrative reasons.
Points Expiration Date
The validity period of the points is one year from the last date of use of the facility for which the points are awarded by the Member and the last date of use of the points.
If the validity period expires, the actual accumulated points will be forfeited, even if the accumulated points are still printed on the membership card.

[Preferential Use]


Members will be able to enjoy preferential use of preferential facilities, etc. as stipulated in Article 5.
However, depending on the facility offering preferential treatment, you may be asked to notify us in advance that you are a member before making a reservation, or there may be restrictions on the date and time of use.
The content and conditions of use of preferential use facilities, etc. shall be determined by the Company from time to time and will vary depending on each preferential use facility, etc.
When a member wishes to use a facility, etc. with preferential treatment, the member must present his/her membership card at the start of using the facility, etc. If the member does not present his/her membership card, the preferential treatment will not be granted.
Points will not be awarded for preferential use at preferential use facilities, etc.
If a Member wishes to receive preferential use of preferential facilities, etc., he/she will be required to pay separate facility usage fees, etc.

[Notification of changes]


会社に届け出た住所・連絡先電話番号等について変更が生じた場合、入会申込施設フロントまたは会員事務局( )までご連絡ください。



Members may cancel their membership at any time upon request.
If a Member falls under any of the following conditions, the Member will automatically be terminated and must return his/her Membership Card.
  • (1) If the member's information is not updated in the manner specified by the Company within two years from the last recording date of the printed items on the membership card or the date of updating the member's information pursuant to Article 8.

[Cancellation of membership]


If a member falls under any of the following items, the company may immediately suspend or cancel the membership without prior notice.

If a member dies.
If it is discovered that false information was provided in the membership application.
If a member violates these Terms and Conditions or the terms and conditions of use of the facilities, etc.
If a membership card is used by someone other than the member.
If a member is recognized as a member of an organized crime group or other anti-social force.
When staying overnight with or introducing to a member or associate member of an organized crime group or a similar organization.
If it is discovered that various Risol Group membership qualifications have been suspended or revoked before obtaining membership, or if various Risol Group membership qualifications have been suspended or revoked after obtaining membership.
Any other case in which the company deems the Member inappropriate.

[Accidents involving members, etc.]


Members agree to use the point-eligible facilities and preferential use facilities at their own risk and responsibility, and the company shall not be held responsible for any theft, injury, or other accidents that occur during the use of these facilities.



"Resol Card H" may be terminated at the convenience of the company after notifying the member in advance in a manner the company deems appropriate or after announcing it on the company's website.

[About personal information]


The company will acquire personal information for the following purposes and use it within the scope of each purpose and with the consent of the individual.

Purpose of use of member's personal information
  • (1) To ensure the smooth operation of the points program, including the issuance, calculation, and use of points (including the issuance of membership cards).
  • (2) To send necessary notifications to Members in relation to their use of the Points by various means, including e-mail.
  • (3) To provide Members with information about various campaigns and events related to the Points, as well as the latest information about facilities operated or products sold by the Company and its affiliated companies, via various notification methods including e-mail.
  • (4) For other purposes similar to or closely related to the above purposes.
  • (5) To respond appropriately to inquiries from members.
When the Company outsources operations for the purposes set out in the preceding paragraph (hereinafter referred to as the "Purpose of Use"), the Company will select a contractor who will handle the User Information appropriately and will enter into a contract with the contractor regarding the handling of the User Information.

[Regarding shared use of personal information]


The company may use personal information obtained through membership registration jointly with other Risol Group companies as necessary.

Purpose of joint use
The Company will provide Members with the following information about the Company or its group companies free of charge:
  • (1) Information on low prices at golf courses and hotels, or information on special events and campaigns
  • (2) Latest property information for villas, resort condominiums, etc.
  • (3) Latest information on golf and resort memberships
  • (4) Domestic and international travel information
  • (5) Discount price information for golf equipment, leisure goods, etc.
  • (6) Information about sales of products related to education, health, childcare, nursing care, and other general aspects of daily life
  • (7) Notification of events, campaigns, etc. that we host, co-host, or sponsor
  • (8) Requests for questionnaire surveys, etc.
  • (9) Responding to inquiries, requests for information, and other requests
  • (10) Other new product information planned, developed and sold by the Company or its group companies
Personal information items to be jointly used
  • (1) "Attribute information" such as name, date of birth, gender, address, telephone number, fax number, and email address
  • (2) "Contract information" such as type of contract, enrollment date, card name, card (membership) number, expiration date, etc.
Person responsible for managing personal information
The company shall be responsible for managing the registered user information that is used jointly.

[Provision of information]


Information will be sent using the company name, the name of the registration business office, the name of the membership office, or one of the Risol Group companies as specified in Article 14.

Information will be provided in the following manner and by the means specified by the company.
  • (1) Enclosing documents in correspondence (by post, courier, etc.)
  • (2) Distribution of direct mail (by post, courier, etc.)
  • (3) Fax
  • (4) Distribution of e-mail newsletters
  • (5) Delivery to email addresses (PCs and mobile phones)
  • (6) Posting on the website
  • (7) Distribution of guidebooks, newsletters, and other periodicals (by mail, courier, etc.)
  • (8) Any other means of communication that the company deems appropriate
Members may suspend or resume provision of information services. In such cases, they must notify the Membership Office.

[Compliance with regulations, etc.]


Members must comply with these terms and conditions as well as the usage rules established by the points-eligible facilities and preferential use facilities.

[Amendment of the Terms and Conditions]


The Company may, without the prior consent of the Member, revise the contents of these Terms and Conditions, such as changing or adding to them, changing the point allocation rate, changing, adding to or abolishing the facilities eligible for the points, the facilities eligible for preferential use and the preferential use.
The Company will notify the Members of the contents of the preceding paragraph in a manner that the Company deems appropriate, or notify them on the Company's website. However, if the consent of the Members is required by law, etc., the notice will be valid only after obtaining the Members' individual consent.

[Matters for discussion]


If any doubt arises regarding the interpretation of these terms and conditions, it shall be resolved through discussion between the company and the member.

[Court of Jurisdiction]


In the event of a dispute between a member and the company, the Tokyo Summary Court or the Tokyo District Court shall be the exclusive court of first instance.



These terms and conditions will come into effect on January 18, 2022.